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We're so glad you're here!


Nevada Baptist Church is a family.


We are passionate about strong biblical teaching, experiencing and sharing God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness, fellowshipping and encouraging one another in our varying walks with Christ, growing in our community and with one another, and following Christ's example by serving our neighbors and making more and better disciples. We, as a body of believers, strive to glorify God by making disciples of all nations, beginning in the small town of Nevada, Iowa and extending across the world. Our church family is composed of Nevada and Ames residents, but also many from the Des Moines/Ankeny area and everywhere in between. 


Our church is part of the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches and the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.



We want everyone, no matter who you are or where you are in life, to experience the unconditional love and relentless grace of Jesus. We want you to connect with our church family and experience the love, support, accountability, and strength of the local church body. 


We want you to get involved. Attend Sunday School & church services each Sunday, participate in weekly prayer meeting, youth group, children's programs, or Bible studies. Ask questions & study God's Word. Grow in your faith and in your relationships with other believers who will push you towards godliness. 


God made us all so different with unique gifts, personalities, and abilities and that is what makes the Body of Christ and the church work. We want you to serve, by using the passions and gifts you've been given to reach people for Jesus and to build up the ministry of the church. We have so many different areas where you can serve. Find something you love to do and serve passionately for Christ.