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We Love Iowa Regular Baptist Camp!

Many members of our church family attend Special Camp, Junior Girls Camp, Jr. Boys Camp, Jr. High Camp, Senior High Camp, Men's and Ladies Retreats, Winter Retreats, and Family Camp.

We also host an NBC Family Retreat at IRBC each Fall!



Campers can earn a partial scholarship of $30 for each component, with a total award opportunity of $100 for those that complete all three.
1. Scripture Memorization
  • Scripture passages must be memorized in the ESV.
  • All verses must be recited together with 2 or fewer helps.
  • Campers must say their verses to an All Stars teacher or Youth Group leader, who will then sign their verse sheets for verification.

Scripture Memorization Forms




2. Christian Service
  • Campers must complete at least 4 different Christian service activities.
  • Christian service activities could include providing special music, working in the nursery, cleaning the church, helping at church work day, writing a note to a senior saint, baking cookies for a church member, sending a letter to a missionary, etc.
  • Campers can be creative in finding ways to serve in the church, but should ask Barb or Pastor Kevin for additional suggestions or approval of other activities.
  • A Christian service form must be filled out with a description of the activity and signed by a parent or church member who can provide verification.

Christian Service Form


3. Sermon Notes
  • Sermon note sheets will be provided at church and must be filled out for at least 12 services from January 1 through May 10.
  • Campers may take notes at either the first or second service, but only one note sheet from each Sunday will count toward the scholarship requirement.

Sermon Note Forms




  • Camp scholarship qualifications begin on January 1.
  • Completed verse sheets, Christian service forms, and sermon notes must be placed in the box in the foyer.
  • All scholarship requirements must be turned in along with the camp registration form and $25 registration fee by the early registration deadline of May 10.
Financial Need Sponsorship
  • Campers can still apply for additional funds based on their financial need.
  • In order to be considered for sponsorship, campers must complete at least 2 components of the new camp scholarship program.
  • Sponsorship funds will be distributed to eligible campers based on the level of need and the available funds.
Contact Justena Fletchall