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NBC Teens

Teen ministries at NBC exist for the church to help teenagers (7th-12th) find a relationship with and grow their relationship with Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We strive to partner with parents/families in order to see Jesus change and transform the students and the families they represent. 

NBC Teens

All 6th-12th Graders Welcome! 

Join us in the teen building on Sundays and Wednesdays

Wednesday Night Youth Group

Join us Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm for fun and games and worship followed by a large group lesson and small group discussion time! We'd love to have you join us!

Sunday Morning

Join us Sunday Mornings at 9:00am to continue growing those friendships you started on Wednesday evening! We like to start our morning with pancakes and some socialization before digging into God's Word- with a practical lesson for your life. At 10:00 and 11:15am, join us in the student section of the auditorium, or sit with your family, where we get to worship together with the entire church and hear a message from one of our pastors. 

Post Church

Once a month, our youth group gets together to do something fun. Locations and events are announced at least 2 weeks before and are dependent on weather. Most are free. Some of the things we've done recently include a Bob Ross painting party, bowling, laser tag, hiking, board games, make your own pizza night, and a bike ride. This is a TON of fun and we'd love to have you join us! 


In addition to other service opportunities, once a month our youth groups heads over to Harmony Clothing Closet in Nevada and help them sort and hang clothes to prepare the center to serve and bless the community. We serve from 4:30pm-7pm every 4th Thursday of the month. 

Small Group Activities

Each individual small group within our youth groups gets together occasionally for their own activities outside of church. 

Missions Trip

Every summer, our youth group takes a missions trip as an opportunity to serve others, grow our personal relationships with Jesus through intense and personal Bible studies, and strengthen the bond and fellowship within the teens of NBC. 

Summer Camp & Winter Retreats

Our teens have the opportunity to spend a week at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp on Clear Lake- as part of Jr. High or Senior High Camp each summer. We also participate in winter retreats at IRBC. 



September 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday